Misha Kouzeh: Empower Yourself To Drive Social Impact

Misha’s inspiring story is something you should know about when you want to empower yourself to build a career rich with purpose and positive impact. She took a leap of faith to pursue her Californian dream and now Misha empowers organizations, students and professionals to build out their social impact.

Sylvia Jagla: Rise Into Your Power

Making the leap to become independent and earn an income doing what you love? Sylvia shows you how to rise into your power. She went from being a corporate high-flyer to traveling and working remotely, now helping professionals sustain high-performance lives using neuroscience and mindfulness holistically.

Christoffer Weiss: Connecting the dots from dreams to goals

Christoffer Weiss, a unique performance coach with a solid background in acting and event production. He has worked with some of the best speakers in the world, supercharging presentations and creating impeccable experiences for audiences.

Martina Geromin: The School Beyond Limitations

Martina Geromin joins Jochem to talk about the future landscape of education. Martina is an expert in education, knowledge management, leadership, and the CEO and Co-founder of the School Beyond Limitations.