Hi! I'm Jochem Doolaard,
Personal Leadership Expert

As Purpose Coach and the founder of Dreambuildrs Iā€™m passionate about helping you to activate your purpose, create impact and feel fully enriched at work and life.

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Struggling with activating your purpose?

I have been there. After 8 years of going through a comfortable corporate career, I was stuck. Every week, I felt like I was running in a hamster wheel, not living up to my true potential. Even though my life looked perfect on the outside, on the inside I felt unfulfilled. I wanted to live my purpose, make a positive impact, but I didnā€™t know where to start.

My new journey began when I embraced my purpose and started living out what truly mattered to me. I quit my job, moved to a new country, and for the next four years, I immersed myself in personal growth, purpose coaching, and community building.

Living your purpose takes a lot of courage

I traveled the world learning from the best teachers and connecting with changemakers who inspired me to take action on my dreams.

Then I started applying what I learned. In December 2018, the first dreambuildrs event came to life in Porto. I invited three personal growth experts who all shared their transformational ideas on purposeful living. I was also hosting networking sessions for purpose-driven professionals.

I loved providing this space where others could make new connections, have meaningful conversations, and inspire each other to accomplish their personal quest.

Living your purpose takes a lot of courage. But I invite you to step into that great feeling that comes when doing that: waking up feeling joyful and excited, knowing that you will make a positive impact in the world.

Here is how you can work with me

Are you ready to act on your dreams and embrace a joyful and meaningful life?


Get powerful ideas from conversations with experts in the field of personal leadership and self-development.Ā 


Work with Jochem or enroll in his course that has helped hundreds of people to get unstuck, find purpose, meaning.


Experience 3 days to fully reboot, reenergize, make new friends, find purpose and make concrete plans for a better future.


Invite Jochem to train and inspire your team and organization for purpose.


Join the transformational center for mind, body & soul as a student or teacher.

What purpose-driven peers say about dreambuildrs

Make purposeful living commonplace

My mission is to fill the gap that no school education ever covered and provide an educational platform for purpose.

Growing up I was lucky enough to be exposed to an unusual amount of transformational learning for mind, body, and spirit. Self-development, meditation, breathwork, human design, energy healing, and chi gong are concepts that have never been weird to me.

From the age of 15, I have been training and coaching young athletes at my local track & field club P.A.C. Rotterdam.

Now Iā€™m bringing everything together.

Dreambuildrs will be the third place between home and work for self-development. A space to help you realize that living out who you truly are is far more enriching and inspiring than conforming to what you are expected to be.