Step into your purpose
Helping you to start living out what really matters to you.
Personal leadership programs, retreats and coaching.
Hi! I'm Jochem Doolaard

As a personal leadership expert, I help you to rediscover your purpose and then take the courage to live that out in the real world.
I moved from being stuck in a comfortable corporate career, not living up to my fullest potential, to following my own path embracing life-enriching and meaningful work.
Do you want to live your purpose as well? I invite you to step into that great feeling that comes when doing so: waking up feeling joyful and excited, knowing that you will create impact every day.
How can you start to live your purpose?
With Dreambuildrs my aim is to help you realize that living out who you truly are is much more enriching and inspiring than staying stuck or feeling unfulfilled. This is how you can start moving:

1. Discover Your Purpose

2. Roadmap to Enriched Living

3. Network & support
You don’t have to do it all alone! Together is better. When you join the life-changing retreats and events, you will surround yourself with changemakers, build connections, and get inspired to do the things you never thought you could do or dare alone.
Ways to join Dreambuildrs

Purpose Coaching
Work with Jochem 1:1 or enrol in the purpose course that has helped hundreds of people find easy-to-apply next steps to re-energize and embrace a more meaningful and joyful career.

Retreat Summer 2023

What purpose-driven peers say about our programs

Free resources to give you a headstart
5 steps to get unstuck and build a more meaningful, enriching life
Download this free guide if you are stuck thinking “what’s next?” Get inspired and energized because when you dare to live out your purpose you will have tons of energy, wake up with a smile on your face, do new things and build a legacy that you are proud of.

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Latest podcasts and inspirational insights

4 Powerful Questions To Live Your Purpose
Jochem joined Lisa Tahir to share his story and the steps he took to get unstuck and live a more energizing and meaningful life. Discover here the 4 powerful questions that led him to live his purpose.

Charles Marcus: Seize The Moment, Winning in a Changing World!
Charles Marcus chats with Jochem about how to take charge in times of change: the three things you need to do to create success on your own terms. Charles Marcus is a much sought-after and highly respected global keynote speaker. He is ranked in the “Top 60 Motivational Speakers in The World“.

Holly Copeland: How to Upgrade from Ordinary to Awakened Mind
Holly Copeland chats with Jochem about what she learned from tracking her brainwaves and how to rewire your brain for inner calm and clarity. Holly is the founder of HeartMind Alchemy, a certified Human Potential coach, a healing practitioner, and a leader at the intersection of technology, consciousness, biohacking, and awakening.