Robert Overweg: How to Develop an Adaptable Mindset

Robert Overweg joins Jochem to talk about creating mental space and using your inspiration to develop adaptability. Robert Overweg is an Adaptability Expert and the founder of the Adaptable Mindset program, which empowers people to develop their own Adaptable Mindset in our rapidly changing world. His program has been applied at several Fortune 500 companies, multiple SMEs, and innovative schools.

About Robert

Robert has over a decade of experience in innovation and digital transformation with clients like Vodafone, Liberty global, eBay, Heineken, a variety of startups, and innovative schools.

He is also an artist and exhibited at the Centre Pompidou and the media biennial in Seoul.

As a frequent speaker at institutes like MIT, SXSW, and the European Commission. Robert speaks about ways to use tech to work smarter and add value to the world.

It’s Robert’s goal to empower people to live a life full of possibilities.

In this episode we talk about:

  • Practical ideas to creating mental space in a distracting world.
  • How to train yourself to be open to new ideas and ways of learning.
  • The astonishing facts around engagement and meaning at work.
  • An exercise to connect again to meaning and inspiration.
  • Tools to deal with stress and overwhelm.
  • How to implement structures around yourself to support your goals.
  • The importance of curiosity and intrinsic motivation.
  • Building a new educational program that offers the building blocks you really need in life.

Connect with Robert

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The exercise to connect again to meaning and inspiration:


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